Unitary Cllr Brian Williams
Party: Conservative
Division: The Meres
More information about this councillor: https://shropshire.gov.uk/committee-services/mgUserInfo.aspx?UID=89
Attendance record https://shropshire.gov.uk/committee-services/mgAttendance.aspx?UID=89
Declarations at meetings https://shropshire.gov.uk/committee-services/mgListDeclarationsOfInterest.aspx?UID=89
Register of interests PDF 167 KB https://shropshire.gov.uk/committee-services/mgConvert2PDF.aspx?ID=89&T=6
Contact information
Home address:
The Hawthorns
Scholars Lane
Phone: 01939 234198
Bus. email: brian.williams@shropshire.gov.uk
Download Brian Williams contact details as VCard
Committee appointments
Audit Committee (Vice Chairman)
Communities Overview Committee (Substitute)
Environment and Services Scrutiny Committee (Substitute)
General Appeals Panel
Housing Appeal Panel
North Planning Committee (Substitute)
Pensions Committee
Terms of Office
08/06/2009 - 05/05/2013
06/05/2013 - 08/05/2017
09/05/2017 -
Appointments to outside bodies
Helicopter Noise Liaison Group - Shropshire Council - The Meres
Melverley Internal Drainage Board - Shropshire Council - The Meres
Montgomery Waterway Restoration Trust - Shropshire Council - The Meres
West Midland Reserve Forces and Cadets Association - Shropshire Council - The Meres